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Welcome to Creepy California Scary Stories

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Creepy Masked Guy Followed Me Around

When I was about 8 years old my brother took me trick-or-treating. He was only a few years older than I was, but my mom and dad didn’t want to go and said he could babysit me and make 20 bucks. He was more interested in being with his friends so I wandered off to look at some cool Halloween decorations but when I turned around they were gone. I was dressed in the same Princess Jasmine costume as about 100 other 8-year-old girls so he probably followed the wrong one until he caught up. At least that is what he told mom and dad.

I wasn’t too scared as there were a lot of other kids around. I went to this one house and they wanted me to come in. I said no and left. A few minutes later I noticed this guy walking behind me. He was wearing a creepy white mask and what looked like a bathrobe. As I went from house to house, he would stand there in the street just watching me. At first, I wondered if he had a kid there trick-or-treating but a few houses later when there were no other kids around but me and he was still there I started to get a bit nervous. I ran across the street and he walked patiently behind me.

At that point, I realized it was getting dark and I better head home but I didn’t know where I was. I walked a little faster toward the other kids and looked back, but he was still there behind me. It was at that point I started running as fast as I could. I was screaming my brother’s name over and over again. People were staring at me. It was so hard to see through my mask, but I didn’t want to stop to take it off. Now I think that was a good thing because the guy in the mask following me didn’t know what I looked like.

I kept on running until I saw my brother. His friends were gone and he was with mom and dad. They were too scared to be angry with either of us. I told them about the guy following me and while mom drove my brother and I home, dad walked the streets for a while with a cop friend of his. They never found the creepy guy. I had forgotten about the house where everyone wanted me to go inside until I sent this story to you. I hope they never find me again, but they’re probably too old to even care now. It was too weird to have people invite me into their house and I will never forget it ever again. Nor will I ever let my children trick-or-treat alone. Ever.

Scary Haunted House on Halloween

When my friends and I were stupid 11-year-old brats we went into this old abandoned house on Halloween night. Our parents sent us out in a group thinking we might be safer and behave better. I think they must have forgotten about being kids because a group of kids is far more dangerous than just 1 or 2. Anyway, our pillowcases were already full of candy and we decided that we were going to eat it all that night. We had a bet on who would get sick first.

The house was an abandoned old house out on the edge of town. No one had lived there for years but no one knew why the owners had left. When we went in, it was old and dusty. The electricity didn’t work, but we could see because of our flashlights and glow sticks. We put the glow sticks together like a big campfire and started to tell ghost stories. Richie told the first story. It was pretty dumb. Then Rooter, yes we called him Rooter and I don’t know why started to tell about a story about a prison guard. It was really creepy. It went something like this prison guard was killed in the prison by this psycho inmate and then he walked the halls every night clanging his billy club against the bars and random prisoners would get beat up in the middle of the night without any knowledge of how. They couldn’t remember a thing. The way he told it was really creepy.

While we were sitting there we started to hear moaning in one of the upstairs rooms. A couple of us figured it was someone trying to scare us, but Billy and Adolph thought it was a real ghost. We went upstairs with flashlights in hand, but there was nothing around at all. It was Adolph who screamed first. At the end of the hallway was this apparition. It just stood there staring at us. I thought it might be a reflection and a trick of the eye so I started walking toward it then it screamed right at me. We all screamed and ran into the room where we thought we heard the moaning. That thing was in front of the stairs and we couldn’t go down.

The room was pitch black because the window was boarded up. Our flashlights had all stopped working at once. We couldn’t see anything. We grabbed one another’s hands and began feeling around for the door handle. It was then when Richie screamed so loud. I fidgeted with my flashlight and suddenly it came on. Richie had tripped and fallen on to the remains of an old animal. It looked like someone had been feeding it because there were two bowls on the ground that Richie had tripped over. Right then we heard this voice whisper LEAVE really loudly. With our flashlights now working, we all booked it down the stairs and out the door leaving our pillowcases and Halloween candy in the house. I don’t know what was in that house, but it wasn’t very friendly if you know what I mean. No one believed us, of course.

Haunted House on Halloween

I know, this sounds crazy, but I don’t know how else to describe it. One Halloween when I was about 19 I was going to a Halloween party in some house I knew nothing about. I didn’t know the people at all, I was just supposed to meet my friends there. It was at the end of this old dirt road. When I got there no one was there. I thought maybe I had the wrong address, but it was the one my friends texted me so I knocked anyway.

When I did, the door opened on its own. Creepy, right? I figured they were playing tricks on me so I went in and the door shut behind me. There were candles on the walls which were really odd given it was 2016. They gave off enough light for me to walk around. Everything was covered in sheets and dust. I figured I must have just had the wrong address, but when I turned around, the door was gone. I walked around the room trying to find it, but there were no creases in the walls to indicate a door was ever there. Stupidly, I had forgotten that I had my cell phone with me. I tried to call out, but there was no service and the battery was almost dead. I used it as a flashlight but still, I didn’t see the door.

Then I heard noises upstairs, or maybe the attic. There was no staircase in this house. Across the room from where I was standing, a door opened. I went in, hoping that maybe my friends were playing a joke on me. This room didn’t have any furniture and when the door shut, another one opened from across the way. As I walked through, the air felt thick with electricity. It was weird. That’s the best I can describe it. It felt like there were hands running up and down my legs and arms. I just wanted to get out of there but as I ran toward the open door, it seemed to get farther and farther away. I thought maybe I had fallen asleep in my car or gotten into an accident so I slapped myself several times. It was no use, I wasn’t waking up.

I finally reached the other door after what seemed like hours. When I walked in, there were people sitting around a Thanksgiving table, eating happily. There was a turkey with all of the fixings. Everyone was smiling and laughing. I tried to get there attention but they just ignored me like they couldn’t hear me. Then the oven beeped and a smoke alarm started going off. I screamed at them, but the person I figured was the dad got up and opened the oven. When I looked over he brought a severed human head to the table and they all started picking at it.

I ran to the next room, screaming like a banshee! In this room, I saw my grandmother who hugged me and said if I leave through the next door everything will be ok and I should go home because something has happened. I walked out of the door and it was the same door I came in. My car was sitting right there. I drove home and found out my mom had been in a car wreck and she was in the hospital. When I called my friends they told me they had been trying to reach me for hours because they had given me the wrong address. The weird thing was, there was no house at the address I went to.

Halloween Werewolf

I went trick-or-treating with my friends one rare Halloween night with a full moon and when it got dark we all started back home. I lived the furthest away and was the last one to walk home by myself. I did this every year and it was never a problem until this year. As I was walking home there was this dog that was following me. It looked and moved like a wolf but I live in the city so I thought it might be a lost husky or malamute or something except it was really big, bigger than either of those breeds.

I kept on walking and heard it starting growl. When I turned around, its eyes were glowing red. I knew that if I just started running that it would chase me so I walked fast. I knew it was still following me though because I could hear it breathing behind me. I went up some stairs that led to a shortcut and it didn’t look like it was still behind me so I kept walking. toward my house. When I was about a block away, it was there again, this time staring at me and licking its chops. I booked it home so fast and when I did, I could hear it galloping behind me. I ran straight into the front door, shutting it hard behind me. There was a loud thud on the door like something slamming right into it. Mom wanted to open the door to see what it was but I told her no, that there was some rabid dog out there.

We called animal control and they didn’t find anything at all. The next night though, I could see glowing red eyes peering up in my bedroom window. This happened for about a month until the next full moon and then it stopped. That was the last night I ever went trick-or-treating. I don’t even think I’ll let my kids go this year. People think I’m nuts when I tell them the story, but it’s true and sometimes I still see those glowing red eyes in the dark outside my window. I just stopped telling people about it a long time ago. Then my son said he saw them, too. That is when we decided all Halloween parties would be inside the house. None of my kids are ever allowed to go out on Halloween night.

The End

Do you want me to tell people your scary stories? Visit and fill in the email form. Be sure to select Creepy California as the subject then type in your story. If selected, it will be grouped with other similar stories and told on the podcast and added to the website The story does not need to take place in California.

For more scary stories visit my other podcasts Spooky Boo’s Scary Story Time or Creepypasta Scary Stories.

If you want to watch some old campy horror movies with a great horror host and guests visit my favorite tv show Creature Features at It’s a lot of spooky fun!

That’s all for tonight. I’ll see you in your nightmares.